Monday, May 22, 2006

Brownie Awards Ceremony

Last week we had our annual brownie awards ceremony. It was supposed to be at Miss Susie's clubhouse, but had to be changed at the very last minute. Miss Debbie was gracious enough to let us all pile into her house on a minute's notice. Our girls earned 6 try-its this past year. They each picked one out to work on. I was a brownie when I was little. I remember I liked it a lot, but I really think Savannah has a much better group of girls than I did. When I was in it, just about all the little girls in my class were in it. It was a bigger and less personal group. Our girls met each other when they were just 3 or 4 years old. The older girls in the top picture are our helpers! They did an awesome job of guiding the girls this year! They are all such good friends. We love our brownie troop!

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